Language teaching professionals have built up a body of theoretical and practical knowledge since 1980s that has resulted in the formulation of various “innovative approaches to language teaching”. What exactly does the phrase “innovative approaches to language teaching” mean? This is not about the silent way, communicative approach or so. This is not concern here. The concern of this document focuses on why some new ideas or practices spread while others do not. More concretely, why does a new textbook succeed in the public education system of one country while identical materials fail in another? What must program directors at universities, public schools, and private sector institutions do to persuade teachers to use new ways of teaching? All language teaching professionals doubtless ask themselves such questions often. Yet, until recently, applied linguistics, the discipline that should provide language educators with the knowledge to answer such questions, has been noticeably silent on these issues. This silence is surprising, since understanding what determines the success or failure of new pedagogical ideas and practices is surely a crucial issue, especially for teacher educators. School school school Every school has a name but school is so lame school what can I say school im there like every day school is like a prison, you can nver escape school is like having a detencion every day school you tell us to do schoolwork and at home we have to do homework: school, school, school work, work, work study, study, study test, test, test it all goes trough my mind what else should i do might the principle think; . My school My rules My way or the hard way This is what i think --Known Author-- Educational innovation is an interesting topic, because there are many things that we as teachers have to take into account at the time to innovate our teaching methods, trying to make a success work, because although we really want to innovate is posible, in order to catch the attention of our students and also to feel that our job is nice, funny, and the most important to avoid those old methods, that make a interesting topic in a bored one; as is show in the poem above. By: Jessica Barquero Mora